It seems most people, especially the male members of the species, either believe themselves to be handy enough to handle basic property maintenance, or at least tell people they are.

Your septic system, though, isn’t quite the same as changing your oil or building a deck. And without the proper training and equipment to handle septic issues, you run the risk of making small problems big ones, and big problems disastrous.

Here are a few reasons on why calling trained and licensed professionals, such as Little’s Septic, is your best bet to fix whatever ails your septic system:

  • Potential toxic exposure: Anywhere from months’ to years’ worth of waste resides in your septic tank. Without the proper training, you run the risk of exposing yourself to it, and all the bacteria, parasites, viruses and toxins contained within. Imagine the
    nausea and headaches that a whiff of body waste can cause, and then think that times, well, hundreds. And without the proper protection, training and equipment to work through that situation, that nausea could easily be the least of your problems.
  • Potential accidental property damage. A wrong move with certain pipes and joints in your septic system, and wastewater bound for safe disposal could end up leaking into your yard or backing up into your home. Filters and pumps are intricate parts of a system that our employees have training of how to handle, how to fix and how to maintain. Beyond that, if the tank or any other part of the system were already damaged beyond repair, you would need a professional in the industry to tackle its removal and replacement anyway.
  • Property value. It’s no big secret dollars don’t stretch as far as they used to. Who wants to risk the possibility of issues, either easily fixable at the beginning of a septic tank saga, or compounded by mistakes and mismanagement on down the line, causing your most expensive and valuable asset to depreciate?

Everyone wants to scratch the itch of finding a home project they can accomplish, be it home improvement or just keeping the place clean and running as it should. There are projects with lower stakes to accomplish the former, and the best way to do the latter is to loop in people who do what we do for a living. Call Little’s Septic today for any septic system needs!