
Is bigger better when it comes to septic tanks?

There is a natural inclination to think big – both literally and metaphorically – when your house and property are involved. This is especially true when you’re either building a new home or acquiring a house new to [...]

February 3, 2023|

Fall season septic system tips

For your septic tank to be at its best year-round, specific steps should be taken at certain points on the calendar. Fall is one of those times. Many outdoor tasks are easier to complete before winter arrives, and [...]

December 3, 2022|

Addressing some longstanding myths about septic tanks

Like anything else, rumors and misinformation abound about septic tanks. Let us set the record straight, in the interest of saving you, the populace, trouble with your system. Here are the counters to a few common septic-related misconceptions: [...]

October 25, 2022|

Can you build a patio over a septic tank?

No matter if you are building a house, thinking about building one, or renovating and adding on to an existing structure, it's easy to let your mind wander to a place to enjoy cool, lazy mornings, fireside evenings [...]

August 16, 2022|
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