Little's Septic & Grease Trap Blog

Some classic signs that you may need to replace your septic tank

Septic systems are a great option for many people, especially if you live in an area not adequately served by a sewage system, and they are intended to be something you can rely on for decades — and not be constantly top-of-mind. However, they are not infallible and don't last forever. Fortunately, if [...]

August 18, 2021|Main|

Messy septic backups: what causes them and how to protect your home

Backups are one of the most common service issues that arise with septic systems. They can be a messy and costly situation for homeowners and are not always easy to identify without professional septic experts. There are many issues that can led to septic backups. Mechanical malfunctions, pipe invasion, blocked lines, misuse/abuse and [...]

July 12, 2021|Main|

Some important tips to keep your septic system healthy

We get a lot of questions about the best ways homeowners can keep their septic systems in good working order. Of course, a little care and routine maintenance for your septic system will go a long way in its proper operation for years ahead. But here are some more details and some practical [...]

June 21, 2021|Main|
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