Practical measures can often times help in dealing with drain odors
It’s no one’s idea of a good time first thing in the morning to hit the alarm button, stumble to the bathroom sink and catch a whiff of stink coming up the drain before even having time to brush teeth or brew coffee. And a smelly sink when you’re trying to set the [...]
Can a septic tank really explode? And if so, what can be done to prevent it?
It ought to be the desire of most people most of the time to stay off the 6 o’clock news and out of the newspaper. While, of course, exceptions exist, being in the spotlight or on the hot seat because one’s septic tank has exploded seems like it should not be one of [...]
Is bigger better when it comes to septic tanks?
There is a natural inclination to think big – both literally and metaphorically – when your house and property are involved. This is especially true when you’re either building a new home or acquiring a house new to you. Deciding what to do about a septic system is no different, and in some [...]
How fluctuating temperatures can affect your septic system
They say one can experience every season of the year in a span of a week in the Ohio Valley. The sticking point of this for owners of septic systems is that changes in temperature and weather may also have an impact on your system. First of all, how cold it is outside [...]
Fall season septic system tips
For your septic tank to be at its best year-round, specific steps should be taken at certain points on the calendar. Fall is one of those times. Many outdoor tasks are easier to complete before winter arrives, and maintenance of your septic system is no different. Here are some tips for keeping your [...]
Addressing some longstanding myths about septic tanks
Like anything else, rumors and misinformation abound about septic tanks. Let us set the record straight, in the interest of saving you, the populace, trouble with your system. Here are the counters to a few common septic-related misconceptions: You have to be careful about what goes down the drain. We’ve hit on this [...]
It’s laundry day again! How it can impact your septic tank
We more or less take for granted that laundry is something we do simply because we have to do it. The alternatives, of course, are unpleasant or generally socially unacceptable: wearing dirty clothes, wearing no clothes or buying new clothes every time you bathe. And while this is all true, if you have [...]
Can you build a patio over a septic tank?
No matter if you are building a house, thinking about building one, or renovating and adding on to an existing structure, it's easy to let your mind wander to a place to enjoy cool, lazy mornings, fireside evenings and the opportunity to catch a few sun rays, without leaving your premises. We are, [...]
Don’t let septic issues spoil your summer fun
This is — especially as the heat of the day recedes — a vibrant time of year to entertain at your home, either inside or out. And there is no damper to such an occasion quite like septic system problems. Bearing in mind, as we've mentioned on this blog before, that an ounce [...]
Can I use chemical drain cleaner if I have a septic tank?
Encountering unexpected clogs in your septic system, particularly those that might cause a backup in your sinks or toilets, are liable to spur immediate searching for chemical assistance. Is what you might most quickly find in supermarket or big-box aisles the right remedy? It's instructive here to remember how your septic system operates [...]